I put my final comparison essay into www.wordandphrase.info. It shows that my FREQ RANGE
1-500 is 71%, FREQ RANGE 501-3000 is 14%, and FREQ RANGE >3000 is 15%.
This result surprised me, because I didn't know that I can write less 75% frequent words and more than 15% academic words. It is really good result for me. I am happy that I got improvement in my writing class. Before taking this writing class, I can only write a short essay with chaotic format and logic. However, I learn a lot from Bonnie. I am satisfied with my essay right now. I know my words and sentence still have a big space to improve. I will change my daily language to more academic words in the future essay. It needs time to practice.And I think more practice more get.
Not bad, huh? You are actually using a lot of academic words, and you will continue to use more and more as you increase your vocabulary. Good news!